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Showing posts from January, 2011

the ten best unknown websites

Sure we're all familiar with Wikipedia, Digg, and These popular websites serve as a diversion from everyday boredom by providing entertaining/interesting content. However, are the best websites the ones that are the most popular? After some extensive research, ten lesser known websites were found that rival (and even beat) some of the most popular sites on the web. Here is a list of the ten best unknown (based on Alexa rank) websites. 10. Inked Mag - This website isn't for everyone (which is why it is ranked #10), but if you are a tattoo fan, is paradise. You can literally sort through thousands of the most kick ass tattoo pictures, join contests, read tattoo-related news, among other things. 9. JuicyCampus - Targeted towards college students, JuicyCampus allows students to gossip about other people or their campus while remaining anonymous. This is HIGHLY addictive if you still go to college and even if you are a recent gradua...

fun and learn

Extreme Planet Makeover [NASA] If you ever wondered what kind of variables make a planet be like it is, then you'll love NASA's Extreme Planet Makeover . An educational tool that allows you to play with different variables and see how your own planet turns out. You can fool around with planet size, its age, the type of star it orbits and the distance from it. I can't help but remember one of the first BASIC programs I ever wrote, that plotted the kepler orbit of an object orbiting a "sun". Which, as a matter of fact, is something I wish this NASA Planet Makeover also showed up.

make your blog popular

advertise for free go her and make your blog popular. go to

search google from your mobile without GPRS

yeah!!search google from you mobile without GPRS,WAP,3G or wi-fi!!!!! this is pretty simple and consists of just 4 steps. so let us start - 1. open "create message" in your mobile 2. now in the message you wanna search about 3. now send the message to 9773300000. 4. now you will get the results immidiately. TIP - Get cricket scores, Indian Railways train schedules & ticket status, horoscopes, movie showtimes, restaurant information and more THROUGH IT NOTE - premium message rates do not apply , you pay from your sms pack balance or 60p from main account.

mobile number portability

in this post i'm going to tell you different toll free no. for questions regarding can also write any of your doubts in comments section. here are the helpline numbers Aircel: 9802098020 Airtel: 18001031111 BSNL: 18001801503 IDEA: 18002700000 Docomo: 18002660000Vodafone: 18001234567

top internet sites 6

this is the sixth and the last part of the series top internet sites you can check other parts at so let's start. in this last part i'm going to describe you the biggest bidding site of the net

top internet sites 5

this is the fifth part of the series top internet sites you can find other posts at so,let's start in this post i'm going to tell about fourth most visited website i.e

top internet sites 4

this is the fourth part of the series internet sites to explore. you can check first three parts at so,let's start in this post i'm going to talk about

top internet sites 3

this is the third post of the series "top internet sites" you can check first two parts at so let us  start in this i'm going to talk about the site that i think99.9%  of you used the site is here are some amazing stastics about

top internet sites 2

this is the second part of the top internet sites series you can find first part at so let us start now , i'm going to tell you about the most visited site in the world. you all know the site i'm talking about. yeah it is google so get ready to get amazed

top internet sites

in this post i'm going to tell you the most visited sites of the world and their minutest information by a short post of series. so let us start. in this post i'm listing the top 100 sites of the world and in the following posts i will write about the top 5 sites here is it

internet sites to explore 3

this is the third part of the series internet sites to explore. in the first two parts i wrote about the sites for free online backup and free calling respectively. you can find them at

internet sites to explore

i'm going to do a series of post and talk about each and every site you should explore in net IMO this is the first of the series so let's start

earn for sending sms

in my earlier post i posted the same article with the site youmint,but most of you are having problem in registeration with youmint . so,i've finded out a new site to do so and this one is really working,i've tried it on my own. just go here on this link .

MNP in India

Finally, MNP has become a reality in India.  MNP or Mobile Number portability let users to change mobile network without  changing their number . So those who kept their connection only for the sake of the number can now switch to a different operator of their choice. In India, Airtel is the largest mobile provider, and they manage around 30% of connections out of 650 million. New GSM providers like Tata Docomo , Uninor , Videocon , were waiting for the MNP launch to take  their subscriber base to the next level. Today MNP was launched in Haryana, and it will be available in other parts of the country by January 2011. BSNL and Tata Docomo has announced attractive offers and tariff plans for customers willing to switch to their network using MNP . The procedure, charges for MNP in India and offers from some operators are given below. MNP procedure and charges in India: The procedure for mobile number portability is the same for prepaid and postpaid c...

earn money online

you may have founded sites that give you $$$ to do the following 1. reffer others to their site                 or 2. click on ads or mails you get                 or 3. basic data typing or pasting ads job etc.... But today i'm going to tell you a site to do all of the above things and earn money from it and the best part you don't have to invest  a single paisa. go here and register yourself and start earning from home

edit any site on the net

do you want to know how to edit any site on the net . this is the way to do it. >open the site you wanna edit >now put this code on the adress bar[witthout quotes]    javascript:document.body.contentEditable%20=%20'true';%20document.designMode='on';%20void%200 > now press > you're done ,now enjoy editing the site note- it is temporary i.e once you close it, the site will became the same when you've not edited it.  

send sms and earn money

yeah!you read that write,send sms and earn money.i'm going to tell you such website which lets you send free sms and earn for receiving sms.they are offering it due to the advertise with msg. go to and register also tell your freinds to do so now send msg and earn money

get free sms of your own choice

this is not a trick. it is a service that google is offering espacially in india. they call it sms channels. it is a network of channnels owned by persons like us in a wide variety of topic.once you subscribe it ,the msg would be delivered right to you box. you have to just do following steps - 1. first,login to your gmail account 2. when you're logged in,go here. 3. confirm your mobile number. 4. now subscribe to the channels you like note-you can subscribe only 10 channels from a single acount or single mobile number.

increase ram of your computer for free

 We've shown you how Windows Vista's ReadyBoost feature will let you use a USB drive like this as extra cache memory to make your computer faster. Well there's a way to do the same trick in Windows XP. Thanks to Shawn in Quebec for sending along the tip. First insert a flash drive Open up the Control Panel. Go to "System." Choose the advanced Tab. In the Performances section, click on "Settings." Choose the advanced tab there. In the "Virtual Memory" Section, press "Change." Select the letter corresponding to your flash drive. (Hint: It's not C.) You can let the system manage the size or customize the amount of space that you want used as virtual memory. I'm not going to use this flash drive for anything else, so I'll let the system manage it. Make sure to Press Set once you've made your choice. Press OK, and the changes will take effect. Then restart your computer. And now you have a little ext...

get free sms about hacking pc,mobile,airtel,docomo etc.

i got a good site , it allows you to get free sms about 1. hacking pc 2. hacking different browsers 3. hacking mobile phones 4. hacking different network operators like airtel,aircel,docomo etc. 5. the best feature is that it is delivered right to your mobile phone via sms for free just go to this  site . sign in to your google account and then confirm the mobile number you want to receive message in and press yes button. you're done