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Showing posts from August, 2011

Hack Facebook using Browser:

Have you ever noticed the Facebook hack which enables you to edit the Facebook login page in the browser itself??? If you haven’t, you will learn the trick now. Today, I am posting simple Facebook hack which will enable you to edit all the elements of Facebook login page using your browser. We have talked about various ways to hack Facebook account in previous articles. So, let us check out this Facebook hack.

reliance gprs hacked

In my last post Again Reliance gprs hacked for august and september 2011 i have posted only one proxy and in some states its working slowly and some sites are banned like facebook and other sites. Today i am going to tell your the 6 new proxies for reliance working with high speed. Use the same settings mentioned in my last post, Change only the proxy addresses and ports.

anna hazare mobile app

The Mobile strikes has began!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here’s a treat for all the Android and Symbian fans. Recently after the rise of Anna and his march to curb corruption throughout India has got an immense response from the common people. So as a token of appreciation an Android as well as a Symbian application has been launched recently in the app market tagged in as ‘India Against Corruption’. Just like most of the cases this is too a free application and everyone having a phone running the Android and Symbian operating system into their phones can directly download the application and can enjoy the features. India Against Corruption (IAC) is a citizen’s movement to demand strong anti-corruption laws. Lokpal bills were introduced several times since 1968, yet they were never passed by the Indian Parliament. Features Of This App: Push to Sd Card support Latest News Real Streaming Videos Polling Q&A Latest About Lokpal Info About Lokpal Volunteer Registr...
Download Opera Mini 6 Handler - Java | Free Gprs In Docomo & Rim After my previous article for " Download UC Browser 7.7 Beta Release " I am again here with new " Opera Mini 6 Handler " . We all know that Opera Mini 6 was currently released and expanded their kingdom in Mobile Browser and so their is a great demand for " Opera Mini 6 Handler " . Opera mini 6 Handler enables us to have full Web And Wap experience in our Mobile Phone. Now with its new features we can keep in touch with friends via Facebook, Twitter, Etc . Their is no doubt that Opera Mini 6 is blasted out with many good features for better browsing and downloading experience. Due to this their is great demand for " Opera Mini 6 Handler " , which I am going to release here. To Know About " Opera Mini 6 " You can refer my previous article about it here Download Opera Mini 6 Handler For Free Currently Opera Mini 6 Handler is...

Tata Docomo 3G : Get 3G Speed In 2G Internet Plans - 100% Working

Tata Docomo 3G is the cheapest and first private company to provide Tata Docomo 3G in India , They have very cheap and attractive Internet Plans for their 2G users, but we can only get 20-30 kbps in 2G Internet Plans. Get 3G Speed In Tata Docomo Tata Docomo 3G Speed Tata Docomo 3G plans are very costly and not very attractive, a normal person can't afford this plan, I also use Tata Docomo 3G Mobile Internet (but i hacked it :-8 ) . I am getting speed of 200-350 kbps speed and that too in Tata Docomo 2G Internet plans. How ?? Lets check out the Trick. Tata Docomo 3G : Get 3G Speed In 2G Internet Plans Just do this below settings and you are done with the speed plans. Hack Tata Docomo 3G Speed 1. First activate your Tata Docomo 2G Internet Plan Of 15 rs (500MB) 2. And then make your balance to 1-2 rs 3. Now dial *141# and then select " 3G Internet Plans " and select your state 4. N...

How to Create a Computer Virus?

How to Create a Computer Virus? Submitted by Srikanth on Friday, 7 December 2007 81 Comments This program is an example of how to create a virus in C. This program demonstrates a simple virus program which upon execution (Running) creates a copy of itself in the other file. Thus it destroys other files by infecting them. But the virus infected file is also capable of spreading the infection to another file and so on. Here’s the source code of the virus program.

A Virus Program to Restart the Computer at Every Startup

A Virus Program to Restart the Computer at Every Startup Submitted by Srikanth on Friday, 17 October 2008 99 Comments Today I will show you how to create a virus that restarts the computer upon every startup. That is, upon infection, the computer will get restarted every time the system is booted. This means that the computer will become inoperable since it reboots as soon as the desktop is loaded.

A Virus Program to Disable USB Ports

A Virus Program to Disable USB Ports In this post I will show how to create a simple virus that disables/blocks the USB ports on the computer (PC). As usual I use my favorite C programming language to create this virus. Anyone with a basic knowledge of C language should be able to understand the working of this virus program.

Microsoft Windows 8 Ultimate Extreme Edition

Microsoft Windows 8 Ultimate Extreme Edition Windows 8 Extreme Edition it's final upgraded version of Windows 7 Windows 8 Extreme Edition is clean then Windows7 and no components are removed from Windows7 so all software and hardware will be same as that of Windows7 but it will be upgraded or with latest version . Windows 8 Extreme Edition is faster then Windows7 .All software which are mostly use on computer are defaultly installed on PC and on Windows 8 security is increased and is fully secured against viruses.

Desktop Phishing - hack everything

Desktop Phishing-Silent Phishing Technique without fear of getting blocked by free hosting and link distribution panic note: it was originally posted at hackersthirst You may already be familiar with the phishing technique as I have posted some articles over it, However still you don’t understood it then I should tell you here again that phishing is such an act where hacker makes a duplicate page I must say login page of any website and in the login fields he makes some changings like he embeds a logger script in those login forum fields, thus as a result what you type in those fields is logged and are pasted in a text file on that server where that phishing i-e duplicate page is hosted to fool you. Thus you email and password are sent to hacker as those login fields are for “email address” and “password” ultimately in the end you are redirected to original login page. You should read following posts to understand this in detail:- Explaining phishi...
How to Use Mobile Camera As Webcam Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Now A days everybody owns a mobile phone with camera.And it is really interesting and simple to use your mobile phone  camera as webcam for your yahoo,gtalk or any other messenger.So if you dont have a webcam and doesnot want to waste money on buying a new one then this is the best solution for you.For using your mobile camera as a webcam you need to have a symbian mobile phone or a windows mobile phone as the application that we will be using only works on the symbian or windows platform.This application is free to download and use.Moreover,It is an open source project .

Trick to make an Ordinary CD or DVD a rewritable cd(like flash drive)

Trick to make an Ordinary CD or DVD a rewritable cd(like flash drive) January 5, 2011 “Trick to use a cd or dvd as a flash drive” This is a simple trick from which you can change a cd or dvd into a flash drive. That is , you can cut,copy and paste more than once to and from a cd or dvd after doing the Simple trick which I have explained below!

Top ten free mobile downloads sites

Top ten free mobile downloads sites

How to avail free apps and games for nokia

How to avail free apps and games for nokia? “How to Get Free Applications and Games on Nokia Mobile Phones?” GET FREE MOBILE GAMES AND APPLICATIONS Don’t waste your time for searching mobile phone games and applications on  malicious websites which offer free downloads. More often, it will leads you to download  virus on your PC or mobile device.

Trick to open car remote lock from cell phone

“Trick to open Car’s Remote Locking by cellphone” Oh Shit! This will be the first sentence which strikes out from your mouth when you lock your car, leaving the “Car’s remote key” inside the car! It even sounds hard to imagine this when you are away from your home. I will get you know about the trick you have to try as soon as you meet with an accident of this sort! Dont quit here if you dont have a car, thinking that it wont help you reading this post. Plz go onnnnnn! Nobody knows what incident they will be going to hang on with. The following may come in handy someday and dont forget to thank me”inform me about it atleast” on that day to me.

Download Free Ovi Store Applications Via PC

Download Free Ovi Store Applications Via PC “Trick to download Ovi contents directly to your Mobile” Here is a trick for downloading free Ovi Store applications to your computer. Now, you can save your time, data usage and avoid download problems.

Get Google search engine in your own name for homepage!

Pc Trick: Get Google search engine in your own name for homepage! Are you Bored of the same GOOGLE search engine? Want to create search engine of your name in google’s style? Or Want the Google search engine in your name the way you want? Here are the tricks!

Complete guidelines to Create a website for free

Complete guidelines to Create a website for free Create website for free! Overview of free website owning - Everybody who have internet connection will also be having a email id, usually. In addition to this they may also have  facebook,orkut,paypal,Internet-Banking.. etc Accounts on the internet.

Unlock Any Phone Security Code

Unlock Any Phone Security Code January 14, 2011 “How to unlock Phone Security code?” ‘Read the full post before trying this’ Think how worse wiill that be if you do not know the security code of your own cell phone? i.e. If you have forgotten or If someone might have changed it. Do not worry I will let you know about the procedure to unlock your locked Nokia(for other phones see the next method below this) phone with a “MASTER CODE” (Note: This wont work for some Models).

Find serial key for any software

Find serial key for any software “Find serial code of any software or download cracked version” You can get almost all serial keys from this website. Just go to

Secret GodMode in Windows 7 and Vista

Secret GodMode in Windows 7 and Vista Windows 7 is becoming more and more popular nowadays. You may know that before windows launch its Windows 7 OS , Linux was in the track for the competition. I agree that its still in the top racers list. But now Windows is speeding up its run in the race by its W7 Operating System from 1-2 years. Many of you may have Windows 7 installed in your PC, But most of you may not know that there is a secret Settings called as “GOD Mode” in windows 7.It is a folder that brings out a long list of customizable settings which allows you to change all settings of your PC in the same place. Ok I can understand your eagerness to know how to open this GOD mode in your PC. Just follows these steps I have mentioned below to Create a God mode folder.

Increase your Laptop and Mobile battery efficiency by 40 %

Increase your Laptop and Mobile battery efficiency by 40 % It is a common headache causing problem for all laptop users, Whether you are running a PC or even a Mac. Then the question is, “How will you manage to get the maximum battery life” from your laptop so that you need not charge it every time when you use it. Here I try to explain about all major things which make your laptop battery drain and solutions for those problems. It is always an extreme idea to turn off any feature which you are not using on your electronic device, it may be a phone, tab, pc. You may know this, and think that I am explaining about a silly thing. but its the main precaution you can take. Bluetooth is the main sucker of all the time in your PC and Phone. So take care to get it off while you do not use it.Never use bluetooth keyboard and mouse unless it is too much necessary for your laptop.As far I know bluetooth is a notorious power hog. Also turn off Wifi Button.

How to Increase Computer RAM speed and thus System Speed

How to Increase Computer RAM speed and thus System Speed To make you know how a Multitasking computer behaves in Memory management, You can read this article, Once if you come to know about how the PC behaves you can get an Idea on how to increase its Speed.

Trick to get Special offers on your Number from Simcard Provider

Trick to get Special offers on your Number from Simcard Provider March 18, 2011 After the Grand Launch of Mobile number portability in India , Sim card Providers are struggling to keep their Customers from moving to another Company. Do you know what is their first step which companies nowadays are taking to avoid their customer planning to jump away from them? Its nothing but giving them a good offer when their customer try to move away from them, so that the customer feel comfortable with them, At least for few weeks. So if you want an extraordinary offer on your number, like free calls, Double currency, free minutes, free internet etc. Just do one thing , Make your company afraid by acting like you wanna move to other company! Yes, Its time for you to be an actor , But how to act like you wanna move to other company ? is the question now.

Trick to Spy on Someone Using Your Phone

Trick to Spy on Someone Using Your Phone “Do you want to Spy on someone using your Phone?” That’s Ease, You just need to do some arrangements for that in the place where you want to spy. - First thing You need to do is to get a Phone (Even lower end Phones like Nokia 1108 are enough) having a head set connected.

How to avail a free Email address?

How to avail a free Email address? December 29, 2010 “Getting a free Email address is very easy” Facebook’s latest offering is the Facebook Email Service which is claimed to be the Gmail or Yahoo mail killer because of the quick emailing and social connectivity features. In order to get a email address like which is similar to service, its suggested to check out the following tip. To set up a free address, go to your Messages view and click the “Claim your Facebook email” link. Your email address will match your public username, for example: