In 2011,IPL tried to expand itself by bringing 2 more teams
in the competition. An experiment which failed. But what if we want to increase
the competition again,how can we make this model work.
So,lets take a look at different aspects of such a decision.
Where would the teams
come from??
I think the 2 new teams should NOT come from India. Instead
the competition should be expanded all over the sub-continent. So,One of the 2
new teams should come from Sri Lanka and other from Bangladesh.
How should the 4 foreign
players rule be modified??
As the teams would be coming from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka,
It should be made compoulsory for them to play atleast 7 of their countrymen
i.e The team from Bangladesh should have 7 players
from Bangladesh and same for the team from Sri Lanka. Player from every other
country(including India) should be considered foreigners.
Where would the
matches take place??
The two new teams should have there own home towns in there
country where the matches can take place.It would expand the competition to 2
new countries while still not increasing travel time by a huge margin. The same
idea of Home and Away games would be followed.
Total how many
matches would take place??
The total no. of matches played in the league stage would be
60(just 4 more than the no. of matches in current format) followed by the
playoffs. Each of the team would be playing a total of 12 matches, 6 Home and 6
Away. In those 12 matches the team would be play 6 teams just once(3 Home and 3
Away) and 3 teams twice( one Home game and one Away).
So,what do you think would this new format work or IPL
should abandon all hopes of expansion. Mention in the comments section below.