We always surf Facebook in PC,Mobile using Internet & GPRS. How it will, if If we can surf Facebook without Internet or GPRS !!!
Yes, This is Possible, Now its time to get more smart & fast to Update Status, Read News Feeds, Post on Walls, Surf Notifications, Find online Friends, Read & write messages & also Operate Friend request.
And all of this, It Works Without GPRS Connection,
though you can use it in your GPRS enabled handset too. All handset models are supported, So don`t worry & just jump on this trick.
Just type *325# in your mobile and press the call button, When the requesting is over, Just exit the menu. After few secs your will receive a reply from the server, Then easly sign in with your E-MAIL and password of your Facebook Account. Confirm your phone number in the reply and use interrupt service anytime you want - ENJOY !!!
Choose your options & surf Smartly, without connecting GPRS, And most of all it will never get banned or caught, because its not in illegal way. So don`t be panic ever at the fear of banning this tricks.
NOTE: Ignore All replys that asking your for 1 rs,for your free usage. One more thing, may some of operator in some states will not working or does`t giving all services free, if that then look for (Free) with the options (Must Free in Status Update). Most of Leading Operators support this trick.
--------" Tested, It works fine & live forever,So I post it for FB Lovers."